Forget Christmas, the best part of Fall AND Winter is that we get to wear our boots.
And really who does not look better in a pair?
I have been fascinated by Artisan Cowboy boots.
Old Gringo is a brand to remember.
Now, true, some of them are just downright tacky.
Or just over the top for moi but in a "you could totally work these if you were hip and cool enough with maybe a few piercings, some rad tattoos and wore them with skinny jeans and a black t-shirt" sort of way - which is cool and I would like these on you.
In fact you, my friend, could rock these boots I am sure. You know who you are.
But what I am getting at is that there are some nice
cowgirl boots out there and I need a pair.
In fact, we CAN talk about Chrsitmas if you think
you might want to get me some as a present. Just saying.
Here are some interesting selections I discovered.
They are all made by Old Gringo.
And then there are all the other kinds of boots and
I am thinking that I need a closet just for boots.
What about you? Do you wear boots like I do?
How many pair do you have?
all these can be found at |
And now it is back to decorating. Sigh.